Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Dartmoor Garden Services

Poppy Appeal

Mon 2 Dec 2019

 I will be standing down as Bovey Tracey Poppy Appeal organiser at the end of 2019. For the past 15 years I have been carrying out this worthwhile task but old age and ill health is creeping up on me so I feel it is time to make way for someone else to take over. In the past 15 years nearly £100,000 has been raised for the RBL Poppy Appeal and I could not have done it without my team of dedicated helpers who have stood for hours in rain, snow, hail and wind rattling their collecting tins and also carried out house to house collections. A big thanks to all of you. If anyone would like to take on this position please contact me on 01626 832678 or the RBL in Marsh road, Newton Abbot

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