Advertising Information
For information about advertising in The Cottage printed magazine please click here
Various advertising/promotional options are available on our website:
Services Directory lineage listing
Place and advert in the printed copy of the The Cottage and for the same period you will receive a free lineage listing in the Services Directory on our website.
You can also request a Free lineage listing which will display your business name, location and phone number only and will appear in a less prominent text colour - you can upgrade your listing at any time.
To add a service description and display your listing in a more prominent colour without placing an ad the the printed magazine costs:
£30 for six months £50 for a year
Click here to request your FREE or enhanced Services Directory lineage listing
Box Ads on our website
You can place a Box Ad on the website (please note that there is a standard size for these - we will artwork if required - if supplying artwork please send a GIF or JPG file measuring 190 pixels wide up to a maximum 250 pixels high (a 1 pixel thick outline will be placed around your ad so there's no need to include this in your artwork).
Box Ads appear randomly on pages throughout the website during their display period.
For an additional fee you can also request that your Ad always appears on the Welcome page of the website.
Random placing on the website:
Two months: £25 Six months £60 One year: £100
To place your Box Ad exclusively on the Welcome page:
Two months: £50 Six months £120 One year: £200
Click here to request a Box Ad
An additional Web Page
You can add a page of information which will be linked from either your Services Directory Lineage Listing (enhanced lineage link shown here) or your Box Ad. Graphics and Photos can also be placed on the page as noted below:
A section of a linked page is shown here. You can display 500 words plus images totalling an area of 450 x 500 pixels (the maximum image width is 450 pixels, but you can supply any quantity of graphics and photos within the area specified.
Two months: £30 Six months £75 One year: £120
Click here to request an additional Web Page
Your own website
We offer all our advertisers a cost-effective, powerful and professionally-design website which includes a content management system for a special discounted fee of just £250 plus £100 p.a. (after year 1).
What you get:
- A fully designed website consisting up to 6 web pages (in addition to a home page you might add pages such as: Contact us/About us/Prices/Services etc)
- A web-based Content Management System enabling you to fully manage and control the content on your website
- An online enquiries form
Additional services:
- Your own domain name : £25 per 2 years registration
- Additional webpages: £25 per page
- Website add-ons including:
Product Database - £50p.a. Events Diary - £50p.a. Blog - £50p.a. Online Shop - £200p.a. Picture Gallery - £50p.a.
Click here to request your website