Griffiths Television - Sales, service and rental Dartmoor Garden Services

Services Directory

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Carpentry and Joinery

Chris Bennett

Tel: 01626 834608 Mobile: 07979 662079
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Christopher Rosner - Interior decoration, specialising in fitted cupboards and bookcases.

Tel: 01647 441271
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Cox & Pocock Joinery

Location: Bovey Tracey
Mobile: 07955 261548 Email

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Johnson & Holman

Tel: 01626 852027 Mobile: 07818 666760
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Moorland Home Improvements

Location: Ashburton
Tel: 01364 653377 Mobile: 07882 905142
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TJB Carpentry

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: Tristan - 07894 444 010 Email

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Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Riverside Landscapes