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Picture Galleries

Other Galleries:

Cottage Mag Favourites

Click an image on this page to view the picture at full size - when you open a picture you can press your 'N' key to view the pictures in sequence.
Bowman's Nose by Laurie Cook Teignmouth Pier by Emma Wills Haytor Sunset by Phil Harman Dawlish
Click here to send us your pictures for possible inclusion in one of our Galleries.

To request removal of a photo

Contact us with the name of the gallery and the reference number of the photo if you would like us to remove a picture from the gallery.


Unless otherwise stated, 6the copyright in all the photos on this website are wholly owned by The Cottage Magazine and may not be reproduced or sold without our permission.

If you like the way the gallery works and would like to add this facility to your own website please contact Ian at Gomango Ltd for more information.

Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Dartmoor Garden Services