Dartmoor Garden Services Riverside Landscapes

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Cleaning Services (inc chimney)

1-2-1 ServiceClean

Tel: 01626 830121
Professional deep cleaning of carpets and soft furnishings
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AB Chimney Services

Location: Newton Abbot
Tel: 07813 067416
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AJ Gibbons Coal Merchant & Chimney Sweep

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 834449
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Blast Cleaning

Mobile: 07972 870725
Bring a new look to your metal, wood and stonework.
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Carroll Cleaning Services

Location: Bovey Tracey & Surrounding areas
Tel: 01626 897297 or 07771 761125
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Cleancall - Dry cleaning and laundry service

Location: Heathfield
Tel: 01626 201270
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Finishing Touches

Location: Bovey Tracey
Mobile: 07870 522072
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Helping Hand (cleaning,gardening,cooking)

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 07892 873738
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Mars Oven Cleaning

Tel: 01626 852393 Mobile: 07593 025949
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Need - A - Hand

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 836698 Mobile: 07977 192450
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Neil's Cleaning Services

Tel: 01626 832902 Mobile: 07813 692061
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Ovenu - Oven Cleaning

Tel: 01626 903026
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Pro Sweep

Tel: 01626 832051
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Richard & Son Chimney Sweep

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 440014 Mobile: 07946 739386
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The Chimney Sweep Company

Location: Ogwell
Mobile: 07729 478999
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Total Cleaning Services

Tel: 01626 836128 Mobile: 07808 283968
Carpets/upholstery, chimney sweep, stone and wood floor restoration
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Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Griffiths Television - Sales, service and rental