Dartmoor Garden Services Griffiths Television - Sales, service and rental

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Bovey Court Garage

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 835940 Web: www.boveycourtgarage.co.uk

All makes and models repaired at very competitive prices.

Repairs - Diagnostics - Servicing - Tyres

Re mapping for cars & vans for performance & economy

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Location: Torquay
Tel: Ritchie Dullenty - 07714687676
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Dartmoor Garages Ltd

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 832432
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iDrive School of Motoring

Location: Moretonhampstead
Tel: 07899796781
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J M Vehicle Body Repairs

Tel: 01626 834090 Mobile: 07540 706286
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Moorland Auto Services

Location: Bovey Tracey
Tel: 01626 836236
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Pottery Road Garage

Tel: 01626 832651
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Torque Bodyworks

Location: Heathfield
Tel: 01626 836590
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Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Riverside Landscapes