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Health Matters - Problems with Sleep

Thu 3 Dec 2009

Sleep should provide us with a healing antidote to the busy life we lead, giving us the chance to process the day, rest and restore our vitality. Well, that's the theory.

If we don't get enough sleep we cannot operate to our full potential: we feel under-par, stressed, irritable and probably find it hard to make important decisions. Add to that we look awful, lack energy and may ache or feel wobbly and cold, and a miserable picture is presented. Sleep is so important to our overall health and yet there are so many reasons why people do not get a refreshing sleep. If one of the following scenarios is familiar to you, it may help you to know that homeopathic treatment can help.

When sleep is disturbed

Some people have problems getting to sleep in the first place, lying long into the night feeling wide awake. Then there are those who wake at a certain time each night and are then wide awake for what seems an eternity, and those who wake frequently or far too early. Often stress is involved - once you're awake, your mind leaps into action and you find yourself worrying over something, dwelling over a problem - how could I have done it differently or how will I cope tomorrow? You know you should stop this cycle of thoughts but it's impossible to switch off. Some people wake easily by a noise, the cold, a fear - those who experience nightmares can wake bolt upright in bed, drenched with sweat, heart beating fast in terror. There are those who are complete insomniacs and survive on very little or no sleep at all. All of these problems mean that you are exhausted in the daytime and exist rather than live.

When children can't sleep

New parents know exactly what it is like to be permanently tired. A baby often doesn't know what night is, has feeding problems or painful colic. Already stressed parents can find it difficult to cope without the sleep they need. Treating the baby homeopathically can ultimately help everyone in the family. The same goes for older children who may be wildly active and refuse to go to bed until late, or keep getting out of bed to be with mum and dad, regularly wake at night after a nightmare or get up too early.

When a health condition affects your sleep

If we are ill in some way it is often the case that things feel worse at night. For example, asthmatics may find it more difficult to breathe, some people suffer palpitations in the night, those with arthritis may be in excruciating pain. Having to visit the loo frequently means constant waking; some skin conditions become itchy in a hot bed, women's hot flushes are worse, some people become extremely restless and cannot get comfortable. The list is endless and not getting good sleep - for whatever reason - certainly doesn't contribute to feeling better.
Treating the cause

Whatever the reason your sleep is disturbed is part of the bigger picture of your whole health. Homeopathic treatment works by looking at all your symptoms - whatever they may be - and treating the (single) underlying cause. It is a system of medicine that is free from side-effects, non-addictive and non-toxic so is suitable for young and old alike. As a homeopath I see people who come with specific sleep problems, but in any case, because I look at someone's whole health, sleep is something I always ask about. For more information or to make an appointment, please phone me on 01647 253079.

Cath Sleigh RSHom, Homeopath at Still Point House
01647 253079

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