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Nature School Expands

Mon 19 Jan 2009

Nature School Expands and Extends in The Orchard Pre-School. 

Nature school has been a roaring success for The Orchard Pre-school, based in Lustleigh. The children have thrived from creating and caring for their own little plot of land and the fair weather has smiled on them nearly every week! But even when the rain did come nobody seemed to mind and it was noted that the children had grown accustomed to being outside whatever the weather.

"It's lucky we had sunshine at first" said Katie Honnor (nature school assistant) "because by the time the rain came the children were too busy and interested in their tasks to even notice".

Each week the children do a fair bit of digging and watering, filling buckets up in the stream and caring for those plants that look a bit thirsty. They have time to choose which part of the allotment they want to be involved in and watching their personal involvement in caring for their environment is very touching. As Beccy Birchill (nature school leader) put it, "You see different qualities in the children when they're outside". Their tasks include various kinds of digging and root pulling, planting and weeding, pond watch, veg patch maintenance and harvesting (a big favourite!), bug searching and playing in the willow dome. The dome is their meeting place and somewhere they sit to share stories, sing songs or just have a really good chat!

The vegetable plot looks very impressive for a first go and has caused humorous sighs of jealousy from more experienced gardeners! The allotment seems magically protected from hungry bunnies and bugs, despite quite a large number of both species being spotted enjoying the scenery. The whole process has amazed the children, young Manu Kay (4 years old and not a lover of salad) expressed wonder and surprise after tasting his own lettuce, "I like this red salad! I don't like other salad but I do like this one that I grew and watered and watered and watered.... so much watering and I do like it when I crunch it!"

It was a lovely demonstration of the changes that can occur when children get more involved with growing their own food.

We now have a pond and a rockery. Lavender plants were kindly donated by Sarah and Chris Carroll and blueberry bushes were sent via Nick (the postman) from Robin Bradford at North Harton Farm. Both have been planted and lovingly watered. Eager little hands also concocted elderflower cordial and created beautiful leaf boats to float down the stream. Heart felt thanks to Sara Sullivan (Pre-School Chair) for visualising the allotment, making it happen and working so hard with everyone involved to improve and maintain it.

Children, staff and parents have been so happy with Nature School that it is planned to extend and expand in the autumn term. It is expected to run on Monday and Tuesday from 9.30am until 1pm and those over three years of age can use their pre-school funding for the session. Spaces are limited and interest is high so get in touch if you want your children to explore and learn in a beautiful countryside setting.

Contact Beccy Birchill (01647) 277100 or Anne McCabe (01647) 277119

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