Kevin Harrison - Carpets and Vinyls Dartmoor Garden Services


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The Giants Chair

10 July 2010 : Gordon Pickford - Bovey Tracey

I would like to comment on the Giants chair at Natsworthy. First I would like to say what a wonderful piece of architecture it is.

What is wrong with these local authorities that they have to poo poo anything that is different. This man has gone to great expense from his own pocket to create sometning of beauty and certainly very different and all they want to do is to spend our council tax money to get it taken away when there are thousands of people who want to see this chair. It must be bringing a lot of trade to the local villages such as Widecombe and others around the area.

If it brings in holiday makers to look at it then that must surely be all the better, but 'no' they go and spend thousands on the top carpark at Haytor altering it to take less cars probably to drive tourists away before they get so far as the chair.

As for the Dartmoor National Park,well you can drive past a Tesco bag hanging on a gorse bush that will have been there for weeks, there must be a lot of wardens who drive past it probably ten times a day yet they cannot walk ten yards to remove it from the bush. Perhaps there too busy monitoring how many people are going to visit the chair.

To conclude- The councils and Dartmoor authority need to ask the local people what their comments are before they jump in feet first as usual.

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